Wednesday, January 26, 2005

IM With Sis

Tonight I am just putting up an Instant Messaging session I had with my sis, earlier, because it has all my pertinent thoughts contained within it. In case you didn't notice, she is a super-cool sibling. The picture above is courtesy of the Haywood County Public Library. I used to work there, eight years ago, and with that lady even. The website of the day for you to check out is...

And without further ado, here is the Instant Messaging session from tonight.

Heyraymond1: are you really still on here? and if so... why?
LongIslandD: whats up fool
LongIslandD: lol
Heyraymond1: just getting ready to write in my blog
LongIslandD: why are you on here?
Heyraymond1 : checking email
LongIslandD: lol are you serious?!@
Heyraymond1: yup
LongIslandD: you have a blog?
Heyraymond1: i actually started one.
Heyraymond1: it was free
LongIslandD: lol i wanna read it
Heyraymond1: and i was inspired by another dude that started one and he writes about the local morning news reports from all the different stations and what they did each morning. very mundane, but amusing.
Heyraymond1: gotta love gayle guyardo
LongIslandD: lol
LongIslandD: you crack me up
Heyraymond1: i only have a couple days worth of entries in there so far. If you really want to read it you can. I will send you the link.
Heyraymond1: but it is sort of like a diary that other people can read and comment on
LongIslandD: lol yeah send me the link
Heyraymond1: will do. hehehe. hang on.
LongIslandD: lol ok
Heyraymond1: hang on. one more minute.
LongIslandD: lol ok
LongIslandD: hows life been?
Heyraymond1: Um... aside from the struggle to not be a freakin' drunk, well I guess, OK. Here is the link. Now remember, the oldest and hence, first link is at the bottom of the page. So if you start reading from the top you are going backwards and it may not make sense. I will stay on aol. Tell me what you think after you have read it. Here it is.
Heyraymond1: Are you on there?
Heyraymond1: I LOVE MY 'BLOG!!!! HEEE HEEE HEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LongIslandD: lol
LongIslandD: i love the speedy delivery
LongIslandD: is there only 2 things?
Heyraymond1: That is the name of my blog
Heyraymond1: 2 days worth
Heyraymond1: I told you
Heyraymond1: Did you get the meaning?
LongIslandD: yes sir i do
Heyraymond1: A speedy delivery from alcohol.
Heyraymond1: I just wish there was some magic potion that I could take that would make the desire and the cravings go away.
LongIslandD: dude..... its the same with food
Heyraymond1: That is the worst part, as is with any addiction.
LongIslandD: we have a family of addiction
Heyraymond1: yup
Heyraymond1: gotta have those bean burritos and seven layer burritos and cheesy gordita crunch's
Heyraymond1: so did you read it?
Heyraymond1: all?
LongIslandD: yes sir
Heyraymond1: add it to your favorites if you want to keep up.
Heyraymond1: and stop calling me sir!
Heyraymond1: You can also comment if you want.
Heyraymond1: Do you watch Spongebob?
LongIslandD: no
Heyraymond1: Good, cause I was gonna say, "You are gay!"
Heyraymond1: I am just joking.
LongIslandD: i hate spongebob
LongIslandD: your uncle sam is awesome
LongIslandD: have you been drikning?
Heyraymond1: who is uncle sam
LongIslandD: i dont know
LongIslandD: i take that as a yes
Heyraymond1: WHAT!!!
Heyraymond1: really what were you talking about, uncle sam
LongIslandD: i dont know i just thought of it randomly
Heyraymond1: I was going to send you some Spongebob soundclips
LongIslandD: nooo
Heyraymond1: If I was drinking, could I type this fast?
LongIslandD: i dont know lol
Heyraymond1: Do you really not like Spongebob?
Heyraymond1: I love spongebob
LongIslandD: i would think you would be prety skilled by now
Heyraymond1: and so does LOUIE
Heyraymond1: Yes, I am the master of typing drunk
Heyraymond1: That is why I never get a TUI
Heyraymond1: Waiting
Heyraymond1: Waiting
Heyraymond1: Waiting
LongIslandD: tui?
Heyraymond1: You're killing me here
LongIslandD: shwhat?
Heyraymond1: Typing Under Intoxication
LongIslandD: lol lmbo
LongIslandD: you dork
Heyraymond1: you couldnt go for the "lmao"... wasnt that funny, huh?
Heyraymond1: I AM JUST KIDDING!!!
Heyraymond1: Never mind
LongIslandD: lol you crack me up
Heyraymond1: Go back to whatever it was that you were doing before I interrupted you.
Heyraymond1: In the interest of being totally honest, which is what I am trying to do these days, with everyone.
Heyraymond1: By the way, I did drink tonight.
Heyraymond1: You don't know how hard it is for me to admit that.
Heyraymond1: To someone else.
Heyraymond1: SUCKS!
LongIslandD: i know it is dude.
LongIslandD: well, mucho grande props for telling me
Heyraymond1: Alright, alright, I am getting emotionally vulnerable here... I am gonna have to cut this off.